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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Shutting Down: Prevention (My Guide)

Signs That I am Shutting Down
  1. I am ignoring the people who I care about or am afraid of loosing
  2. I preend and may vocalise that I don't need the support of the person/s
  3. I hold back or lie about how much I really care, hiding emotions and sometimes showing the complete opposite emotion surrounding a person's impending absence.
  4. In conversation with said person/persons I often give short or one word answers

How to Prevent Myself From Shutting Down
  1. Try to keep telling myself that I will regret not saying how I feel, and I'll loose and it may hurt even more if I shut down. If I shut down I will still experience the pain and loss. Shutting down doesn't prevent the loss no matter what I tell myself.
  2. I have to work on not holding back my emotions and what I'm feeling in fear of being vulnerable.
  3. Make a gratitude list for the person I am afraid of loosing or shutting down with and share it with them.

What Day Treatment Can do to Help me When This Happens
  1. Bring up my feelings about the attachment and fear of loss in group (smaller group of people) where I may be feeling more comfortable.
  2. Share my signs of shutting down and putting up walls with the girls/therapists in an effort to make them aware of when I may be shutting down/pushing people away.

How I want Others to Respond
  1. Confront me about my behavior that they feel is a sign of me pushing away.
  2. Ask me who I am afraid of loosing and why I am wanting to shutdown.
  3. Remind me that shutting down isn't going to prevent the loss from happening.

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