I agree to acknowledge my needs and vocalize them. My needs are never too much. I agree to reach out to loved ones, and myself to ensure that I feel whole, cared about and loved. Through nourishing myself: body and soul I agree to fully participate in socierty and pursie my dreams.
I accept that perfections is unattainable and that my body and accomplishments will be my own and thererfore unique and special merely because they are my own. In pursuit of a happy and fulfilling lige I acknowledge that all feelings are valid: sad, happy, angry, frustrated and upset. I will make my best effort to not let the people I cherish and love go without knowing how much I care about them. And I will do my best to not avoid telling them I care merely because of the fear ogf getting hurt and being vulnerable. I agree to be vulnerable in relationships because I know blocking them out will only result ina deeper pain and heartache.
Moreover, I agree to fulfill my mind and bodis needs to ensure life, happiness and joy. BY nourishing myself I'm agreeing to continue my life here on Earth.
I now take the next best step in life by more than just eating to ensure that I lead a fulfilling life, and celebrate my existence... Starting today and each day forth.
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