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Saturday, February 4, 2012


I am reading this book right now called "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer and the following quotes are things that really resonated with me and my journey towards recovery.

(main character Oskar is talking to and old man who lives in the apartment above him. The old man has a collection of people from history who are significant and has a card for each with one word to describe them)
Mr. Black (older man): "What makes you think it is good to be in here?"
Oskar: "Because it means you're biographically significant""
Mr. Black: " 9 out of 10 significant people in the world have to do with money or war"

This really resonated with me because one of my fears is that I will be forgotten and I am scared that when I die people will forget about me, thus feeling like my life is unsignificant. This quote gives me a lot of perspective.

(In this next quote Oskar is having a conversation with his dad about how he wants to be remembered in life and after)
Oskar: "Im talking about the problem of how insignificant we are"
Dad: "Well what would happen if a plane dropped you in the middle of the Sahara desert and you picked up a single grain of sand with a pair of tweezers and moved it 1 millimeter-- What would that mean?"
Oskar: "That I moved a grain of sand?"
Dad: "which would mena you changed the Sahara desert."
Oskar: "So?...."
Dad: "So! The Sahara is a vast desert and it has existed for a million years-And you changed it"
Oskar: "Which means?"
Dad: "If you hadn't done it, human history would've been one way"
Oskar: "I changed the course of human history!!"

This, like the 1st quote was one that made me feel that when I am worrying about being so insignificant in the grand scheme of things there are little ways that I could change the course of human history :)

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