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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle Project 2/3/12

Take flight or loose sight
things used to be black or white.
White was right black was bad,
thinking that way took away everything I had.

Life now exists in all colors of the rainbow.
There's blues, violets, yellows-from what I know.

I no longer feel like a lover scorned.
In a way I feel entirely reborn.

New to this life-no daily strife.
Smells, sights lights are new
cropping up like the morning dew.

I'm looking- eyes wide open to my future ahead.
I no longer see the world and want to be dead.
I made, I laid, I paved my path ahead.
You won't find me hovering over the cliff's ledge.

Instead, Instead I look out on my life-
kick away the dagger, throw away the knife.
My grip of fear is no longer that tight.
I'm now entranced; I dance with my inner light-
try-try-try as I might
the ony way to live my life is to:
close my eyes, take a big sigh
... I'll fly

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