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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sadness 12/3/11

There's something about sadness that creates feelings of fear and insecurity in me. Sadness makes me:
1. Feel Weak- all the other emotions such as anger, in my eeys dont show weakness and vulnerability like sadness does. Sadness shows I was stupid enough to trust someone or get attached and then it blew up in my face. Makes me wish I never made the connection.
2. Acknowledges that ive been hurt- it reminds me that someone or some incident has hurt me. That mean I had no control over the ability to prevent myself from getting hurt. I hate loosing control. I feel that if I am a good strong person i would have be able to prevent getting hurt. Therefore, when I do get hurt its a reminder that I failed.
3. Makes me feel unloved/not cared about. Most of my sadness is derived from people, and loosing them or not getting what I wanted out of the relationship. So in turn, that loss enforces a core belief that there is something wrong with me that made the person go away. Or if I didn't loose them and they just did something that hurt me it makes me think that I am incapable of being loved. Therefore, again there is something inherently wrong with me. Even more, that this will happen for the rest of my life. I feel then, undeserving or incapable of being fully loved. And, that those who are loved and cared about never experience sadness from a loss of a person because theres something to love about them and not with me.

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