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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Second day of Summer

ever since i returned to san diego after my sisters wedding ive been really sad-anxious-yet emotionless about everything at the same time. that may or may not be due to the emotional overload before going on the trip-- But now i know im sad, entirely aware of it but i cant seem to cry. it sucks, i want to get it out but i am not sure how.
I want to be happy but with each day that passes and i feel less and less and the possibility that maybe i never will be or are ever meant to be happy seems more certain. it makes me wanna give up.
This morning I went out to smoke a ciggarette and on the bench on our porch was a flyer for some college. Seeing it made me wonder if I might want to go back to school. I grabbed my phone and started searching for online graduate degree programs, but as soon as I started looking thoughts cam streaming into my head at a mile-a-minute saying: "you cant go back to school look what happened when you went to law school, you were too sick to continue", and "why would u apply for a masters in education program your mean and impatient you couldnt possibly do a good job"... I hate those thoughts. the thoughts all come from events that have happened in my life or from things people have said to me. Theyre paralyzing.
Ah! there's the tear, fell down at the stroke of the key starting with P-ending-in-G.
Paralyzed I am.
-- I just want it all to go away and to do things im proud of again to be something other than a deadbeat. Then when the shitty events start to rain down on my life I can sit back and relish and relax in the fact that Im doing something right... I am something 'right', something 'good'..